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About Us

We are Blagovesta and Alexander Makedonsky - ceramic artists who live and work in Sofia, Bulgaria. For us work is a journey from which you return not with a collection of photographs of museums and cathedrals but with memories of meetings, scents, colors and randomly heard stories that we tell in color.

Blagovesta Makedonska

Born in 1962 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Graduated from the High School of Applied Arts in Sofia, majoring in Toy Design. Graduated from the National Academy of Arts, Sofia, majoring in Textile and Fashion Design, Master's degree. After graduating from the Academy of Arts she initially made enamel miniatures. She has 1 solo exhibition and participated in several joint art exhibitions in Bulgaria and an exhibition of miniatures in Toronto along with other authors.

Alexander Makedonsky

Born in 1963 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He graduated from the High School of Applied Arts in Sofia, majoring in Metal Sculpture and Jewelry. Graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, majoring in Design of Silicate Forms and Ceramics, Master's degree. After graduating, he spent his first years designing silver and enamel jewelry. He participated in many joint exhibitions in Bulgaria and other countries. Exhibition of young Bulgarian jewelers in Yambol Bulgaria, Toronto, Canada. Exhibition of miniatures, where he won award. Three participations in Koblenz Germany. Two times in Berlin with designer jewelry and with enamel miniatures. Sofia annual exhibitions dedicated to ceramics. Belgium exhibition.

Around year 2000 we started our joint work in the field of ceramics. In our ceramic arts we also include elements of other materials - wood, metal, enamel. During the years our ceramics have been added to collections from all over the world - USA, Europe, Japan, Australia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Israel, Tasmania, New Zealand, Canada and more countries.


Our pieces are unique and individually made in our home based studio. We work with great attention to a detail using "chamotte" clay, oxides, glases, metal and wood. Each piece is bisque-fired at 1000C degrees, painted with oxides, ceramic colours and glazes and fired for a second time at about 1050C degrees.

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